Friday, May 3, 2013

Diabetes and Aspartame

We are already aware of the wide range of adverse health implications ingesting artificial sweeteners can have, but how exactly can your intake of an artificial sweetener, such as aspartame, affect your risk of diabetes?

People with diabetes are inherently forced to find alternative to sugar, or at least steeply limit their intake of it. One way of replicating the sweet taste sugar provides is to turn to sweeteners. Initially when these sweeteners came out onto the market, it seemed there was finally a good alternative to sugar. However tests in recent years have shown diabetes sufferers to be among the highest risk for the adverse effects of sweeteners such as aspartame.

According to diabetes specialist, Dr. H.J. Roberts, many patients develop "serious metabolic, neurological and other complications that could be specifically attributed to using Aspartame products."Aspartame can lead to an intensification of hyperglycemia, convulsions due to insulin levels, and neuropathy.

Another doctor, Dr. Russell Blaylock states, "excitotoxins such as that found in aspartame can precipitate diabetes in persons who are genetically susceptible to the disease."The number of people in this country who are already at hereditary risk for diseases such as diabetes and hyperglycemia is already very large, and the continued influx of aspartame in foods and drinks consumed on a regular basis is worsening the problem.

Hyperglycemia is one of the largest linked diseases stemming from diabetes as aspartame is generally known to cause the pancreas to emit too much insulin. Aspartame has also showed to change cellular receptor sites for insulin, in turn making diabetic patients increasing resistant to insulin.

To conclude, aspartame has so many other more mainstream side effects, it should not even get to this point where one is learning about them. Those with diabetes are already at such a health risk where everything put into their body needs to be carefully managed. Aspartame is affecting the pancreas in very direct, harmful ways, and should not be ingested by those who have diabetes, or are at risk to get it.

Protect you health, drink water!

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